Monday, February 21, 2011

Well Then...

I've decided, i want to do something with my life, instead of being a log. I've quit world of warcraft, that's a start. I'm trying to be more sociable, which is proving difficult. I have a craving for being known, i know i don't deserve it but hey doesn't everyone always dream of being famous one day when they were younger, I did this frequently. Now it has to be done. You can do anything you want to do, you've just got to work for it. I'm going to start modeling soon for my sister fashion line heh >.> yeah i know seems silly but it's a steampunk and they're going to be using my sewing machine but my lips are sealed on the rest but it's proving to have the potentential to be quite successful. I mean look at my indirect mentor, Jared Leto, he used to be homeless and live in haiti, moves to L.A. gets into some modeling then a tv show and now he's a successful actor/musician.

Then again i may just be, being irrational lol it may be not possible at all and i'll end up being homeless! i mean really nobody reads this i just type it out for the hell of it. It's the equivilent to talking to myself but for some reason, it's less crazy.

On another Note...

I had a dream Martin's (the grocery store by my house) was being held up by some guys with guns and they were blocking people from leaving by having ninjas in the back and having them kill anyone who tries to escape... well i was one of them. it was odd i was dissapointed i don't enjoy dying, and yes i died in my dream and i saw it, and i DIDN'T die in real life. Myth busted.

Justin and i will have been together for 2 years on wednesday the 23rd.  =) it's kinda crazy how time goes by so fast.

im so bored i guess you can tell. hmm. anyways i guess im done.

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